Grades 2–5
6 sessions: 60 minutes per session
Resource type iconProjects

Lunch Poems

by Lauren Rudewicz and David Hutcheson, 826michigan
Students will explore memories of food and learn how those memories intersect with art. From these connections, students will write poems and expand their understanding of what can inspire poetry.

Poems Are Alive

Students will discover that poems and readings of poems differ because we all bring our own feelings and memories to writing and reading. We can use poems to understand and explore ourselves and the world around us.
What Your Students Will Learn

Students will learn how to write a recipe poem that describes who they are and the experiences they’ve lived.

What Your Students Will Produce

Your students will produce a recipe poem.

What You Will Need

Before You Start
  • Write the warm-up question on the board:  “What is something that brings you joy and why?”
  • Write “still life” on the notecard
  • Open up the pronunciation guide.
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