
Brilliant Stories

826 believes in amplifying and publishing youth voices. Browse our student writing collections for pieces that will inspire you and your students. Our students’ words will make you smile, think, sigh, cry so hard you laugh, and laugh so much you cry. Celebrate and honor their stories with us!

Find Student Writing

Our writing collections feature student writing on diverse topics from diverse authors. Browse, enjoy, and discover representative mentor texts to inspire your students to write. Find more student writing in our RESOURCE LIBRARY.

Write Outside

Some summery inspiration from student writers about the beauty of being outside in nature.

Grade 11
Touch Grass
by George S., Grade 11, 826 Boston

A young writer implores people to get out and touch grass, because you never know what you might find!


"Touching grass can mean a few different things, but I mean it in the literal sense. Make your life come to a screeching halt, walk to your favorite park, crouch down, and stare at the grass."

Grades 8–9
Yerba Buena Gardens/ Jardines de Yerba Buena
by Christian Z., Age 14, 826 Valencia

A glimpse into a student's day out at the Yerba Buena Gardens.


"Each time I’m here I feel/ Nice, like the/ Sun is keeping me warm."

Grade 11
This Golden Place
by Maya M., Grade 11, Newburg, OR

A student muses on the beauty of nature and life.


"It feels like we’re wandering, I’m not in charge of the map. But I have to trust that there is a line we are following, through forests and fields, over peaks, down valleys."

Grade 5
As I Smell a Flower in the Yard
by Hanako M., Age 10, 826michigan

A student wields all of their senses when they go outside to smell the flowers.


"As I smell a flower out in the yard/ I can hear a bee pollinating the beautiful flowers"

Let This Be Our Anthem

Students voice their hopes, fears, and calls to action in letters to the next U.S. President.

Grade 7
Now Is Our Time to Act
by Annapoorani L., Grade 7, Seattle, WA

A student recounts their experience with a school shooting in a letter to the next U.S. President to reform gun control.


"But I do know, Mr. President, that now is our time to act. In the hopes that my words matter, A student dreaming of a better tomorrow"

Grade 2
Dear Future President
by Salmaan S., Grade 2, 826MSP

A second grader's adorable list of demands to the future President.


"Please make more playgrounds, because I like playgrounds."

Grade 4
by Emma D., Grade 4, 826LA

A plea to the next President to provide better access to mental health treatment for youth.


"President, I ask that you support my community by putting more money into helping children talk about what they have seen in their lives."

Grade 11
Harmony's Canvas: A Vision of Love's Eternal Light
by Elsy M.E., Grade 11, 826 Valencia

A poet imagines a better and more harmonious world.


"Imagine, if you will, this vision so grand,/ A realm of harmony, hand in hand."

Grade 6
by Krisbel D.L.M., Grade 6, 826 Valencia

A letter to the next President asking them to support immigration laws that will allow them to see their family.


"It would help me for my family to be able to travel here, because I could show them new things that they don’t know yet, like the rules that are different here."

Grade 4
by Camila R.G., Grade 4, 826LA

In this letter, a student asks the next U.S. President to help the homeless.


"If you visit Los Angeles, I would like you to visit my house, and I’ll show you where the homeless people live. I will donate my own money to help."

Grade 3
We Won't Have a Home
by Esperanza R., Grade 3, 826 Valencia

A letter asking the next U.S. President to stop climate change and save our home.


"I’m writing to share my story about climate change that has been impacting me, my community, and the Earth."

Grade 6
Dear Future President
by Kyle I., Grade 6, Kansas City, MO

A gender-fluid student's call to action to the next U.S. president to protect LGBTQIA+ rights.


"My family may have to move if more anti-LGBTQ+ laws are passed."

Grade 12
Querido/ a presidente
by Lukoiy V.R.G., Grade 12, Woodburn, OR

A poet speaks out as a voice for change and all those who cannot speak.


"My voice rings bells,/ for the change we need to make,"

Mental Health Matters

A collection that shows how students use writing to support their mental health.

Grade 2
When You're Frustrated
by Aidan, 826michigan

A student reflects on how to bounce back from frustration.


"Just breathe, relax, and stay calm and focus."

Grade 8
by Isabel, 826 Boston

This poem features a student battling with the voices constricting her freedom.


"Drama causes pain/Had too much pain in/my life already"

Grades 10–11
Sunny Smiles
by Sergio M, 826 Valencia

A smile isn’t always what it seems.


"The sun is out, but the words written are done in the dark/The smiles are out, but the faces showing them all fall apart"

Grade 1
The Thing That Changes My Life
by Liliana, 826DC

This student’s heartbreaking personal narrative describes what it can feel like to have your parents get divorced.


"I feel like somebody stabbed my heart, or like somebody said something mean to me, and everyone started to laugh."

Grade 5
The Sky
by Elsie, 826 New Orleans

In this poem, a student celebrates individuality.


"If I could be anything I’d choose to be the sky Sitting all by myself And watching birds fly"

Grades 6–8
Laughter Means You're Alive
by 826NYC students

This collaborative poem explores the many sides and senses of laughter.


"Laughter is the feeling that/Can pick you up/On your darkest days"

Big Book of IFs

Meet the incredible IFs (a.k.a. Imaginary Friends) from across the 826 Network!

Grade 6
Sir Shaggy McPatches
by Ayana A., Grade 6, 826NYC

A student tells the story of her trusty fuzzy blanket IF.


"Sir Shaggy has an amazing skill of storytelling. He holds the power to transform your surroundings to match any story, leaving you in extreme awe."

Grade 12
by Tina N., Grade 12, 826 Boston

A student brings to life their amazing shark imaginary friend!


"Despite his intimidating appearance, he exudes childlike innocence and kindness, always eager to share and promote love and kindness."

Grade 4
by Jaceon B., Grade 4, 826 New Orleans

A student describes his delicious imaginary friend.


"He wears a hard red juicy shell and is edible. He has a lot of good seasoning, too, but we don’t talk about that because of course I wouldn’t ever eat Crawfish."

Grade 1
by Meyly, Grade 1, 826LA

A student paints a picture of her adorable chocolate bunny IF.


"She’s just a normal bunny, but she’s made of chocolate and she loves me."

Grade 5
by Norah, Grade 5, 826DC

A student tells the tale of her interdimensional IF.


"Wormie is the descendant of the Great Bliss Worm, who was in a war between dimensions."

Grade 6
by Faisa Y., Grade 6, 826MSP

A student introduce readers to her comfort fairy IF.


"Ava lives in comfort everywhere on Earth. She can make anything float, fly, and read minds."

Grade 4
by Donald W., Grade 4, 826michigan

A student describes his hugely helpful IF.


"I asked him, “What’s up?” and he followed me home. Now, he lives under my bed, but it's annoying when he snores in the middle of night."

Grade 5
by Camilla S.R., Grade 5, 826 Valencia

A student introduces us to her fabulous imaginary friend from Funky Town.


"Sky does karaoke in Funky Town, both when I’m with and without her."

Grade 4
Mr. Snickerdoodle
by Damian A., Grade 4, 826CHI

A student describes his bear-y best imaginary friend.


"His favorite food is cookies and milk and he has black eyes and likes dancing."

“It feels good to have my voice out there and that I have left a mark on this world, even if it's small.”
- Brandon R.
Grade 11, 826LA
“I think the biggest impact it has had on me is the realization that other people see the writing I do. Other people can also refer to me as a writer, and it's not just me. It makes me want to improve and do better.”
- Bless A.
Grade 9, 826 Boston
“It always feels like an honor when someone shares their writing because writing is a physical form of somebody's vulnerability and it's special to see that when I get the chance.”
- Justis P.
Grade 9, 826 Boston
“[Being published is important] because our voices need to be forefronted if we want to reimagine this world.”
- Anton J.
Grade 12, 826 MSP

Fill Your Bookshelf

When we publish our students’ writing, something magical happens. Students see their ideas reflected in something tangible and begin to see themselves as authors with words worth reading. See the magic in action by checking out 826-published books that will feel right at home on any bookshelf.