Session time icon60+ Minutes
Genre information iconInformational, Media
Video resource type iconVideos

Think Like a Copywriter with Kendel Goonis

by 826 National
In this lesson, you will develop your own imaginary product and then write a short, informative essay that uses precise language to explain your creation.
What Your Students Will Learn

You will learn how to communicate the details of a product, just like a copywriter!

Common Core Standards
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1.A Common Core Standards Icon
Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.1.A Common Core Standards Icon
Introduce claim(s), acknowledge alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.1 Common Core Standards Icon
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence
What You Will Do


First, watch the video and then answer this question in your writing journal: “In the video, Kendel mentions cultivating your voice through watching, listening, and reading to a variety of different art forms. Why do you think a variety of media and art would help you develop a unique point-of-view?”     


Start thinking like a copywriter by answering the questions about the ad you collected on page 1 of the Think Like a Copywriter—Handout. If necessary, you can repeat this step with an additional print ad.


Next, you will create your product! This product will be created by random, so it will, most likely, be very silly. Follow the instructions on page 2 of the handout to create your product. 


Read page 3 of the handout to see an example of how to develop more details about...

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