Grades 11–12
9 Sessions: 1 hour each
Fantasy/SciFi, Narrative, Poetry
Resource type iconProjects

We Are Here, Walking Towards the Unknown

Ryan Young
Students write personal and fictional narratives inspired by Frankenstein. Prompts include: misunderstood monsters, fears and horrors, a science experiment gone wrong, and rewriting the story.

Editing for Organization

In this session, students will be able to edit their narratives focused on organization and all the juicy plot elements they should include.
What Your Students Will Produce

Students edit for organization, including a compelling beginning, clear narrative development, an exciting climax, release of tension, and a thoughtful resolution.

What You Will Need

  • “Sample Outlines” — Handout
  • Students’ drafts
  • Optional: computers (one per student), internet + Google Docs access

Before You Start

Before you begin this session, make sure that you have copies of all the materials needed for each student.

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