Grades 7–12
6 Sessions: 55 Minutes Each
Informational, Media, Narrative, Persuasive
Resource type iconProjects

Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Motown Music & History

by Andrea Cisneros, Jeff Shi, Daniel Reck, & Frances Martin, 826michigan
Students will use music as a lens to learn about a historical period and research primary and secondary sources to write their own liner notes.

Listening Party

In this session, students develop a shared vocabulary that music writers use to talk about and describe music.
What Your Students Will Learn

What do we, as writers, talk about when we talk about music? Just like with any kind of persuasive writing, there is a common vocabulary that unites many liner notes and other writing about music. As music is a pervasive and almost inescapable part of everyday life, it is likely that writers are already familiar with many of these terms.

What Your Students Will Produce

In this lesson, your class will work together to pool a collective knowledge of music and how one might describe music to one another. Students also begin to develop a personal ownership over the songs we chose in the first lesson and start becoming experts who can really talk in depth about them.

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