Explore the various forms of poetry that created Rare Air/Aire raro, a book of poetry by fourth-graders at Roberto Clemente Learning Academy in Detroit. Students will reflect on their community, relationships, and experiences in life to create a series of poems that vividly capture their observation of the world around them.
Students will produce a series of poems that connect themselves to their world through observing and describing their neighborhoods, relationships, and memories.
Student Writing Samples
by Keila S.O., 826michigan
An “I Am From” poem about growing up in Detroit.
by Fatima, 826michigan
A list poem about a beautiful room and a beautiful family in both English and Spanish.
by Brayan Luna, 826michigan
In this poem, a student vividly recounts watching The Undertaker perform a signature chokeslam on WrestleMania. Written in Spanish and English.
by Alexa, 826michigan
A poem that tastes like pepperoni pizza.
Rare Air / Aire raro is 826michigan's Young Author's Book Project for the 2015–2016 school year written by the fourth-grade students of Ms. Lowe's class at Roberto Clemente Learning Academy in Detroit and it is FULL of firsts for us. It is the first YABP written in Detroit. The first YABP of poetry. And the first that is completely bilingual (English and Spanish). With a foreword by inaugural poet Richard Blanco, and introduction by volunteer and retired teacher Sandy Karolak, Rare Air / Aire raro is full of exceptional and charming poems on family, neighborhood, and memories. Poems were translated into Spanish by students, family members, and volunteers to allow for students to share their voices with their community. So join fourth-grade writers of Roberto Clemente Learning Academy in feeling the rare air in this beautiful book of bilingual poetry. A bilingual collection of poetry written by fourth graders at Roberto Clemente Learning Academy in Detroit.
by Rebecca Darugar, 826NYC
In this project, alternate universes, crazy scenarios, and compelling characters abound as students take ownership of the science fiction genre and write short sci-fi stories of their own.
by Ashley Smith, 826 Valencia
Students will learn about persuasive strategies used to convince consumers and apply these strategies to create advertisements for brand-new, original products that don’t yet exist!
by Julius Panoriñgan, 826LA
This project offers an exploration into computer science and coding. Students will learn how a knowledge of coding can make them stronger writers.
by Ashley Smith, 826 Valencia
Students create brochures to showcase several meaningful parts of their identities.
by Ashley Smith, 826 Valencia
In this lesson, students will create original superheroes (or villains) and write stories of their epic adventures.
by 826 National
A flexible, 4-week unit designed for students in grades 3-5 to "write their way" with authentic purpose. Includes a curriculum guide, calendar, and links to all related 826 Digital resources.
by Naomi Soloman, 826NYC
Calling all ghostbusters! In this project, students will write their own ghost stories, focusing on tone, classic horror tropes, and plot twists.
by Lauren Rudewicz and David Hutcheson, 826michigan
Students will explore memories of food and learn how those memories intersect with art. From these connections, students will write poems and expand their understanding of what can inspire poetry.
by Ashley Smith, 826 Valencia
Students design dream schools filled with creative and imaginative elements to improve learning, complete with origin stories, illustrated designs, and sales pitches.
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